
Ute Heuer

Conceptual, Painting, Drawing, Art with Architecture

Ute Heuer, born in 1964 in Braunschweig, studied liberal arts at the Kunsthochschule Braunschweig and was a master student after graduating in 1988.

She was awarded with the DAAD Fellowship in London, UK in 1988; in 1990 she recieved the art prize of the Orangery, Darmstadt; in 1991 the Barkenhof Fellowship, Worpswede; in 1992 the working scholarship of the Stiftung Ludwig, Schöppingen; in 1992 the film sponsorship award of the third Verden short film festival for the film "Busy body" (together with G. Gockell S. Bürger); in 1993 the Niedersächsische Nachwuchsstipendium (Saxony young scholarship); in 1997 the Schloß Bleckede scholarship; 1998 Niedersächsisches Jahresstipendium (Saxony scholarship for a year); in 2006 the Heitland Foundation scholarship; in 2007 the PWC future price for her mobile Studio.

Since 1998 she has been lecturer at the Bundesakademie Wolfenbüttel and since 2000 she has a teaching position for "Experimental animation" (animated film) at the HBK Braunschweig.

Since 1989 she exhibits in museums, galleries and art associations.

Ute Heuer lives in Hanover.